What’s the Master Your Life Process Look Like..

3 Months – Momentum

What’s the Master Your Life Process Look Like..

6 Months – Identity Shift

What’s the Master Your Life Process Look Like..

12 Months – Transformation


What Our Clients Say

I feel so supported. I’ve said this to Luke before but having someone in your corner who believes in you and a like-minded community who believes in you. No dream is too big in here. I’ve said things to Luke that I want to achieve and his response is let’s do it. Luke has helped me switch from an employed mindset into a self-employed mindset. I was all over the place and had no idea how to run the business side of things. Having bi-weekly calls with Luke have been invaluable

Kimberley Bramwell Testimonial Headshot image Emma Testimonial Headshot image Aimee Testimonial Headshot image


Feel Your Best Founder

Your level of support Luke is second to none. You’ve been in my corner for almost 3 years now and although I initially signed up on a fitness basis, I’ve gained way more from being coached by you than I could have ever imagined. Completely different person to say the least. Being surrounded by good energy and like-minded people truly is something special. It is great to have a safe space open and know you won’t be judged but fully supported by everyone in the group.

Emma Testimonial Headshot image Aimee Testimonial Headshot image Jodie Leigh Testimonial Headshot image


NHS Worker

I started Master Your Time with the purpose of kickstarting my online coaching career. However, I found it has helped in all aspects of life. I’ve found Luke and the community have not only supported me in my personal and professional life – but challenge me and challenge my thinking. You couldn’t find a more authentic community that will inspire you, support you, cheer you on and have a few laughs along the way.

Aimee Testimonial Headshot image Jodie Leigh Testimonial Headshot image Shaun Wheatcroft Testimonial Headshot image

Jodie Leigh


I love the business ideas and mindset coaching from being a part of this community. It has transformed my thought patterns and attitudes towards life. The community helps me stay on track and more than anything inspire me. I need that inspiration from being a part of a community that is so supportive of each other. I now don’t waste my time with people who don’t value or appreciate what I have to offer and I think everyone should do the same.

Jodie Leigh Testimonial Headshot image Shaun Wheatcroft Testimonial Headshot image Kimberley Bramwell Testimonial Headshot image

Shaun Wheatcroft

SPOX Founder

I would 100% recommend Luke to anyone. Whether you are starting a business for the first time or a few years deep. Luke is fantastic at pushing you, building that confidence in you and just supporting you. Whatever you invest, you make it back tenfold. It is so worth it, just do it. Sometimes you have to take those risks to achieve the outcome you’ve always dreamt of. I wouldn’t change anything. It has been the best decision I’ve ever made. I’m so grateful for the start I’ve had.

Shaun Wheatcroft Testimonial Headshot image Kimberley Bramwell Testimonial Headshot image Emma Testimonial Headshot image

Kimberley Bramwell

Founder Empower Her Coaching

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The Three Core Pillars


01. Health

Without your health you have nothing. Being the top priority in your life has become the best benefit everyone could wish for.


02. Wealth

Having the freedom to do the things you love without any stress.


03. Relationships

Creating lifelong memories with loved ones. Bringing people closer together through your own transformation.

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Our Commitment To Each Other

Be ready to commit all in.


Honest communication throughout.


Be a team player and willing to collaborate to help others.


Be present and enjoy every moment of success and failure.

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